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Tried and Proven System in Selling
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Our step-by-step process is a tried and proven system of success in selling.


  • Final Expense is a rewarding business, but it can also be tough. Agents sometimes struggle to gain sustainable momentum...make a living. Agents are looking for a process - a system that can smooth out the rough spots. A system that can take their willingness to work hard with a heart of service and help them achieve success... Jim Mall's "1&Done Training" is such a program. As a 20 year Medicare professional, I have always said that "final expense products can be the easiest to learn, but the more difficult to sell". This program changes that and makes Final Expense easier to sell - It just takes knowing the right approach. Why this program? I believe there are several hallmarks of an effective training program - compelling content, engaging delivery and a process that can be understood and implemented with positive results. I have spent the last 20+ years training 1,000's of agents and understand the challenges in transferring knowledge and developing skills through "virtual" mentorship. 1&Done is just like having Jim in the car, the front porch, and most importantly, at the kitchen table with you. This man knows this business and his years of expertise are now available to the "newbie" looking to get off to a strong start, the solid performer trying to get to the next level, or the seasoned veteran looking to make a great living! Thanks Jim for providing a powerful tool to further the professional excellence of our noble profession!

    Brandon L. Clay Author of the instant classic Sales Crumbs Trilogy, Authentic Sales Voice & 6 Hours to 6 Figures.
  • I first met Jim more than 10 years ago when I was the Chief Marketing Officer of a final expense life insurance company. Jim invited me to spend a day riding in his car and it was the most transformational event in my career. At the time, I was most impressed with Jim’s natural sales ability. His success in nearly every house we visited was not only unprecedented in terms of his closing ratio, but also uncanny due to how easy he made it look. Since then, I have frequently turned to Jim as a featured speaker at industry conferences and he has always been happy to give back to our industry. However, as my friendship with Jim has developed, what truly impresses me most is his integrity. The discipline and work ethic that has allowed him to produce more by working several days a week than the rest of us could earn in seven days is driven by his desire to spend more time with his family. Jim lives very simply. He’s not motivated by ever bigger houses or more expensive cars – he just wants time to spend with the people he loves. The longer I’ve known Jim, the more he continues to inspire and impress me. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Jim and recommend him unconditionally.

    Jeffrey S. Shaw CLU, ChFC Life Insurers Council
  • Jim Mall is not only one of the best trainers in the final expense business, but is also one of the finest people I know. After being in the final expense business for over 15 years, I had the opportunity to personally sit through Jim Mall’s training seminar. Thinking that I knew most everything there is to know about our business, I did not expect to learn much. Wow, was I wrong! Jim Mall provided so much valuable information that I had never thought of or ever used. I was amazed at the vast knowledge and real life experiences that Jim had encountered through his career that helped me and my Agency beyond what I ever imagined. Jim Mall doesn’t just “talk the talk”, he “walks the walk”. He is in the field, leading from the front every week. His training comes from the agent’s perspective, which is unlike many trainers, because Jim is selling in the field, practicing and perfecting what he preaches. Jim is an expert in our business. He will not only challenge you with techniques to be better with your sales, but will also teach many life lessons to be a better person. He teaches so many details on how to become successful that there is no way to fail if you follow his lead. I am a better person today because of my relationship with Jim Mall. I can promise anyone that they will not be disappointed by subscribing to Jim Mall’s “One & Done Training”!

    J. Scott Glanton
    J. Scott Glanton The Assurance Group
  • Jim Mall is “Mr. Final Expense.” When I think about top Final Expense producers across the country, the first name that comes to mind, is Jim Mall. I have followed Jim’s Final Expense career for over 20 years. I have recruited well over 20,000 Final Expense agents over my 28 year career, with 23 of those years exclusively being in Final Expense. I have been involved with and managed over a half billion in Final Expense sales over the years. So when I tell you Jim’s sales skills are unmatched, I’m very qualified to make that statement. I have watched him mentor and train countless new Final Expense professionals. I have attended one of Jim’s workshops and I walked away with all kinds of new strategies and sales tips. Jim Mall really is “Mr. Final Expense”…

    Alan B. Town
    Alan B. Town Agent Service Connection, Inc.
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