Our Proven System

Back in my early years, around age 25, I was like many, an employee, required to work 40 hours per week to obtain a paycheck. I thought, wouldn’t it be amazing to find a job, an employer or an opportunity that would allow you to work as hard as you wanted, to create the income and lifestyle you and your family have always dreamed of having? What an amazing lifestyle that would be!

I am Jim Mall. My son Tucker and I want to thank you for your interest in our final expense life insurance sales training process. Our goal is to help you create the lifestyle you have always dreamed of for you and your family.

Our step-by-step process is a tried and proven system of success in selling. It will give you the knowledge and training you will need to build the business success you desire to create the lifestyle of your dreams. We will teach you our process that creates success through discipline, organization, goal accomplishment, integrity, stewardship, and good old fashioned hard work.

We have hundreds of agents all over America using our system, living the lifestyle of their dreams, while earning a comfortable six figure income.

All the experience from my actual selling process, since 1988, becomes your roadmap to success. As you define success, be it time, money or both. You can have it all.

Mastering anything great in life is a process. We are going to help you master our process week by week to become, simply the best.

The 1&Done Selling System was created because, I have been selling final expense life insurance since 1988. As I meet and work with agents all over America, one question continues to come to the surface. How have you been able to maintain this level of success for so many years? I attest it to several things that we will teach you though out our training system. Think as You Sell, Goal Accomplishment, Storytelling and more, but the one thing that I feel has created and maintained the success in my business is understanding that you only get one chance with 99% of all the people you meet in the business of sales, especially final expense. My main goal, since 1988, is to get face to face with as many people as possible, all day everyday I am in the field. We will teach you how to be efficient and effective with every lead you have and every prospect you approach, be it on the phone, at the door or during the sales process.

Effective sales training is not an event but an on going process.

Whether you need help with a specific topic, slow consistent “drip” training, or full one-on-one training. We will be here to help. Many people look at training as something you acquire when needed. We look at training and education as a lifelong process.

We’ve been very blessed to have achieved the amazing success in this business and create a lifestyle designed by us. What has created much of our happiness is the success of accomplishment. What we have accomplished in business, the family time we have enjoyed, our stewardship process and the many lives we have touched through this process gives a total new meaning to success.

The success of accomplishing something God has called and gifted us to do, creates a deep satisfaction and fulfillment that many people never get to enjoy. God wants all of us to be successful and to prosper. When you step out in faith and look for God’s hand in your life and your business, you will enjoy this type of success and prosperity.

Your lifelong training and education will create the foundation that you will build your business and your life upon.

So bring us your definition of success and allow us to help you go out and accomplish the lifestyle you have always dreamed of having.

Thank you!

Jim & Tucker Mall
One and Done Training

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