1-Jim Mall – Mr. Final Expense
Listen to how you can create the life of your dreams through planning, hard work and perseverance.
Listen to how you can create the life of your dreams through planning, hard work and perseverance.
Sue talks about helping create the amazing lifestyle that 1&Done Training enables.
Scott is someone who took this opportunity we are about to talk about, started at the bottom and used the system to build the most successful agency in a company that is one of the largest final [...]
As President of Life & Health Brokerage, Scotty Elliott is charged with developing a tactical plan to advance the company’s mission and objectives and to promote revenue, profitability [...]
My name is Darin (Vach) Holovach. This is my 14th year in the final expense business. After a failed attempt in the securities and financial services market, a friend of mine introduced me to the [...]
Jeff has served as the Executive Director of the Life Insurers Council since March 2008. The LIC is a council of LOMA and also part of LIMRA. The LIC focuses on providing resources to [...]
Alvin Begnoche started his insurance career in 1998 as an Independent Life Insurance Agent and is currently Marketing Vice-President of Trinity Life and Family Benefit Life Insurance Companies. [...]
Ken lives in a small southwestern Illinois town (population 2600) with his wife Jennifer and their dog Gidget, all three of which are big St. Louis Cardinals fans. His hobbies include [...]
Bill came into the final expense life insurance business after a very successful ten year career with Farm Bureau Insurance. Bill was my Farm Bureau agent after he graduated from college in [...]
March of 2011, Dion Losole changed the course for the rest of his life. Tired of being controlled by his job, the long hours and financial hardships were taking a toll on him and his young [...]
Logan Shellenberger spent eleven years in China teaching English and 6th grade. Due to health concerns he moved his family of seven back to the USA. In 2008, with no job waiting for him in [...]
Ryan Shellenberger wears many hats. He is the lucky husband of his amazing wife, Julie and father to four wonderful children. He is also a high school math teacher and has been teaching for [...]
Joyce lives in Trenton, IL, has three children Kayla, Kim, Lance and a beautiful grandson Dawson. Joyce got into the insurance business in 2012 and started with Senior Insurance Solutions and [...]
Craig Miller has been in the insurance for about ten years. After a few years of struggling to get going, he found his old college buddy, Darin Holovach, was doing quite well and gave him a call [...]
Professional Mom and CrossFit Box owner, and my bride too!
Fr. J has nothing to do with the final expense business but has plenty to say. This was long overdue and I had a great time with this LONG interview! Enjoy!
During the summer of 2019 we were lucky enough to have a seminarian workout with us on a daily basis at the CrossFit gym. I was glad we had an opportunity to sit down for a chat.
Fr. Ryan is our associate paster (for now) at St. Joseph’s parish in Hays, KS. I was honored he would sit and chat with me, enjoy!
It was fun having my lil sis on the podcast!
Hey everybody, I had my first doctor on the show. (I think he was the first) This will probably be the first of many, ENJOY!
I had the opportunity to chat with Melissa Meagher, Anthony Fox, and Becky (Meagher) Fox after their first year running SWCF. Please enjoy our conversation!!!
Jason Rule is an old friend and the owner of Driven Nutrition and Titan Nutrition. They are the leading supplier of supplements to CrossFit affiliates. Please enjoy our conversation!
Please enjoy my chat with Michael Vielma, he is a FOCUS Missionary living in Hays and serving Fort Hays State university, my Alma Mater.
Please enjoy my chat with our “new” pastor, Fr. Brian Lager.