Here is some information that is near and dear to my heart.
As we help you create the success you desire, many of you will begin making more money, a lot more money. The tendency in our business, is to increase your lifestyle.
You must show your friends and family just how successful you have become.
Newer cars, bigger homes and amazing vacations. There is nothing wrong with any of this as long as you are also being diligent in managing your new wealth and planning for the future. If you don’t, after all this fun you will find yourself 30 to 40 years older and broke.
We have managed to live in the home of our dreams, drive the cars we love to drive and take many, amazing vacations. I am not saying you must live like a pauper just to be debt free and have a secure retirement. I am saying, you need to have a plan and work the plan. Retirement is coming whether you have the money or not. At some time in your life you will not be able to or want to work any more. How will your retirement years be lived?
What you will learn from this audio presentation:
How to eliminate debt.
The advantages of living within your income.
The value of investing strategically over your lifetime.
The amazing value of compounding interest.